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As a biotechnology student I can totally understand your concern. As biotech is not a very well promoted stream amidst the sea of Engineers and doctors produced in our country, it can be a very confusing option. But if you do biotechnology, you’ll sort of be both. Now, I dont mean to scare you. Biotechnology is the science of modifying, bettering or altering basic life forms for the welfare of the environment and industry. Biotech is one of the most diverse fields as it open numerous options in biological research sciences that you can pursue. When it comes to the introduction and concept of biotechnology there are several fields within -
  • Medical Biotechnology
  • Agricultural biotechnology
  • Food biotechnology
  • Industrial biotechnology
  • Chemical biotechnology
  • Plant biotechnology
  • Animal biotechnology
  • Marine biotechnology
  • Molecular biotechnology
  • Environmental biotechnology
All these streams further have various disciplines that you can major in or pursue for masters, PhD. Biotechnology is one of the faster growing technical fields in the world right now . Because its a rapidly accelerating industry, it requires young and talented scientists to take hold. For example - the production of biotech related scientists is not very abundant but since there is appreciation for the Indian brain and talent, many european companies are looking for such scientists. As biotechnology is the most frequently evolving field, it requires a biotechnologist to be in constant touch with the recent findings and mad observation and speculatory skills. In india however, this field is still learning how to walk. Which is why Indian students hesitate in pursuing it. But in my opinion, if you are into medical research , biotechnology will open a thousand doors for you. The scope is very high in european countries and now they are heavily employing Indian graduates as well as accepting us in their universities for Mres(masters of research) and PhD.
Graduation wise - there are two undergraduate degrees offered in India for Biotechnology.
Btech biotechnology i.e engineering.
BSc. Biotechnology i.e research

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Biotechnology requires absolute dedication and a zest for performing breakthrough research and ofcourse a passion for science that promotes a vision to create a better society and help people. These qualities you must possess for only then you can provide and serve the research community in the best way you can.
Some of the best colleges for BSc are -
  • Manipal University, School of Life Sciences, Karnataka.
  • Ahmedabad University, School of life sciences, Gujarat
  • Amity , Gurgaon
  • Amity, Noida
  • Oxford Bangalore
For Btech. , many government and private colleges provide Btech degrees in biotechnology.
You must be careful with the kind of course content your choice of college provides if you wish to pursue masters and reseach abroad.
You can begin with these colleges, do a little digging of your own. Decide and be absolutely dedicated. As a biotechnologist you will be creating hope for the world and it must be prepared with utter perfection.
Best of luck.

if You know new updates about biotech then let us know in comment section

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Biotech Job Positions & Salary Details


Today we will be giving you a brief idea on how a Biotech career ladder looks like once you get into a Company specifically the research & development sector and how you can sail through it successfully.
A career ladder is like a roadmap which motivates you and gives a direction to your career. Of course, one must never work in an organization with a sole goal of reaching a top-level position but should focus on an overall individual growth.

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Each Biotech MNC or Research Institute has its own structured sequence of job positions. We have compiled data from leading Biotech & Pharma giants focusing on:
  1. Description about Entry Level Position for MSc Candidates
  2. Educational Qualification required to jump to the next level
  3. Experience Required for Promotion to a higher post
  4. Average salary one can get at each position
  5. Work Description at each level.
  6. Tips on How you can Climb up the career ladder in a short duration.
Basically, here you will see the categorical order of positions, from the lowest to the highest, along with their individual responsibilities and compensation. You can use this career ladder to determine the requirements for moving to the next stage of each position.
  1. Junior Research Assistant
A Junior Research assistant an entry level position to start within the biotech industry. Most of the Biotech companies prefer hiring Freshers for this post who are well versed in hands-on lab techniques and have some amount of experience in the form of an internship during studies.
Job Responsibilities: Your responsibilities for this position include performing routine laboratory support work, assisting with research, maintaining a safe working environment, and managing data records. This can vary with the company based on the kind of project you have been hired for.
Educational Requirement: Freshers with degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences.
If You have are a CSIR NET / GATE / DBT / ICMR qualified candidate, it will be an addon.
Average Salary: Rs 22,000/- – Rs 30,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: Up to 2 Years
Growth Hacks: This will basically be a learning stage for you. Do not consider this only as a job if you want to make a strong career in the R&D sector. Be open to learning throughout by grabbing as much knowledge as you can, especially time management skills. Since it will be your first job you are bound to face a lot of distractions, some people often tend to quit, but hold on its just the beginning, do not jump to conclusions, be calm and composed and sail through the process smoothly.
2. Senior Research Associate
A Junior Research Assistant or a postgraduate can be promoted to this level after a considerate amount of experience in the required field. This profile is apt for a Ph.D. Freshers, who are seeking to get into the research industry.
Job Responsibilities: A Senior Research Associate is responsible for conducting a series of tests and experiments to prepare solutions for a research problem. This position still requires you to report to the primary investigator, but you will have more independence in terms of analyzing data and writing reports. The workloads of a first-level research associate are normally lesser than higher-level research associates.
Educational Requirement:
  • degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences With at least 1-2 years of prior experience.
  • Freshers with PhD degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences
Average Salary: Rs 30,000/- pm – Rs 42,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: Up to 3 Years
Growth Hacks: If you have been working as a Junior Research Assistant in a company for a duration of 1-2 years with good work output quality, you can easily climb up to this level, it’s all a matter of perseverance & quality work. If you are applying for this post in a different company minimum of 2 years of quality experience will be considered by the employer.

  1. Assistant Research Associate 
Aside from performing various complex tests and experiments, the Assistant Research Associate is responsible for overseeing different operations within the laboratory. In this position, you will be working closely with the principal investigator and will be able to send precise directions to other members of the research team.
Educational Requirement:
  • degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 2-3 years of prior experience.
  • Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 1-2 years of prior experience.
Average Salary: Rs 35,000/- pm to Rs 55,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: 3-4 Years
Growth Hacks: Leading Biotech companies & Premier Research Institutes in India and abroad frequently hire for this position, as multiple R&D operations are carried out at a single point in time. Thus, it is important to keep a lookout for such vacancies if you are looking for a job change and you have the requisite experience to apply for this post.

  1. Associate Scientist 
The Associate Scientist perform in close coordination with the Junior level research associates and is responsible for overseeing Research & laboratory operations within the department. This position requires you to still work with the principal investigator with additional obligation to develop protocols, complete in-depth research, and direct people within the team. Other duties include monitoring the progress of different research projects and coordinating information with other research associates. You’ll be also in charge of modifying protocols that will contribute significantly to the research product.
Educational Requirement:
  • MSc degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 2-5 years of prior experience.
  • Ph.D.D degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 1-3 years of prior experience.
  • Candidates with a Postdoctoral Degree can gain a direct entry.

Salary: Rs 45,000/-pm to Rs 70,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: Up to 4 Years
Growth Hacks: To reach this level of your research career in a short duration a Ph.D. degree is a must. As per a survey, those who have a clear career plan after post graduation can only reach Up to this level. A Ph.D. degree from a prestigious institute in a trending research topic can be a key to your success.

5.Research Scientist
Almost every biotech & life science professional who are willing to make a career in research wants to be a research scientist, not knowing the fact that it requires a well-lit background in ground research. Job responsibilities of a research scientist is very crucial. A hardworking researcher cannot become a research scientist but only a smart researcher can. Job roles range from formulating, planning & conducting experiments, preparing research proposals & funding applications, supervising the junior staff. Basically, it acts as a bridge in between the entry-level researchers and the highly experienced lead scientists.
Educational Requirement:
  • MSc degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 3-6 years of prior experience.
  • Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 2-4 years of prior experience.
  • Postdoctoral Degree with at least 1-3 year of experience.
Average Salary: Rs 60,000/-pm to Rs 1,00,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: 4-6 Years
Growth Hacks: I know, I know by the figures stated above it looks a long journey to reach this position and most of you are planning to skip the plan of getting into research already but trust me it will be worth it. Once you reach this level there is no looking back. This will be your ticket towards a fulfilling research career both in terms of financial stability & Job security.

  1. Lead Scientists
The most crucial job role of the lead scientist is to routinely manage large & multi-technique R&D projects. Navigation of the regulatory framework & providing technical leadership to meet desired R&D Projects objectives is also a key role. A lead scientist is looked upon like a role model by fellow junior-level researchers upon whose guidance the entire R&D house operation runs smoothly.
Educational Requirement:
  • MSc degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 4-7 years of prior experience.
  • Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 3-6 years of prior experience.
  • Postdoctoral Degree with 2-5 year of experience.
Average Salary: Rs 1,00,000 to Rs 1,70,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: 5-7 Years
Growth Hacks: Once you are at this level you definitely do not need a growth hack, as you are here for your hard work, smart work, talent & most importantly your unshakable determination. Nobody can stop you now😊

  1. Principal Scientist 
Job responsibilities of a principal scientist may vary with the work profile & the company, but the prime role remains the same that is to coordinate the actions of all the teams, to train new generation researchers, to compile performance reviews and to act as a source of knowledge in the laboratory. They may end up working more then full time with a combination of both lab & desk work just to ensure the targets are met. Quick decision making, analytical thinking, and commitment is what defines a principal scientist.

Educational Requirement:
  • MSc degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 6-9 years of prior experience.
  • Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 4-8 years of prior experience.
  • Postdoctoral Degree with 3-6 year of experience.
Average Salary: Rs 2,20,000 to Rs 5,00,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: 5-10 Years

  1. Chief Scientist
Chief Scientist is the one of the highest position in R&D Sector. Being a chief scientist you’re part of the policy and decision-making board of the company. It requires you to develop a budget, manage different departments within the company, and coordinate with various research members across all departments. Other duties include exercising supervision and control over various research departments within the company, providing ongoing support for the company employees, and implementing rules and regulations for the clinical and commercial production activities.
Educational Requirement:
  • sc degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 10-15 years of prior experience.
  • Ph.D. degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Microbiology / Chemistry / Food Technology / Life Sciences (other subjects as per company requirement) With at least 8-10 years of prior experience.
  • Postdoctoral Degree with 4-8 year of experience.
Average Salary: Rs 6,00,000 to Rs 10,00,000/- pm
Job Duration at this Position: 6-10 Years
I am sure right now there will be three sets of people reading this article, one who will just give up the plan of getting into research after seeing the amount of effort it goes into reaching the desired level and will complain there is no scope in Biotech, second set of people will be those who will consider only the financial aspect and will be motivated to move ahead, and third set of people will be those who are actually motivated and determined to chase their research dream and will start chalking out a full proof plan by taking right steps.
Well, it all depends on the perspective of individuals. Remember one thing at this juncture of your career everybody will say get a job, but only a fraction will say go follow your dream and will guide you through. 
Note: This article comprises of data as per an internal survey was done for over past 10 years. Statistics mentioned above may vary with each company.

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Intresting Facts you don't know about Being a Medical Student

When I entered the medical college after a few days we were introduced to the famous  'DISSECTION HALL ',

and wow the smell of formalin filling our noses and spinning our heads. 
It took me days to get over that smell and whenever I am close ( well close means about 500 meters I guess) to it I run for corners.

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Well, we used to carry bones ( real ones ) in our bags, to our rooms, eat with them, drink with them, sleep with them. 
One of my cousin came to my hostel saw the skull on the table.
He thought it's an ashtray and tried to use it, when I screamed and informed him that it's a real skull bone buddy, he stood silent with a staring look.

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Well this one is top of the lot.
Was working in our microbiology lab and one of my teachers came rushing in with an annoying look, we all wondered what's wrong with her, and this is what transpired.
She asked for stool sample from a patient a day back and he came with this
A whole lot of sample that too in a sweet box, so sweet of him.

One of the most unforgettable experience a medico gets which others don't is labour room posting.
Welcoming new life into this world in a very hostile environment of labour room with women screaming, doctors shouting, babies crying, we running here and there catching babies, cleaning them up then wrapping them and watching them play with each other and checking their reflexes, wow fascinating .

Thanking God for giving us this profession, and thankyou for reading.

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9 New Daily Life Inventions of 2018 you must see


dekhe 6 Zindagi ke sikh jo Sanju movie ne hame sikhaya


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SANJU movie ne blockbuster me dhamal macha diya, ek baar phir Raj kumar hirani me kamal kardiya. sanju full movie 2018 se hame bohot khuch janne ko mila sanjay dutt ke bare me.sath hi sath Sanjay Dutt biopic ne naki sirf hame sanajy dutt ke zindagi ke bare me batya, balke hame apne zindagi ke liye bhi boho sikh mila. to Aaye dekhte hai sanjay dutt ki sanju full movie 2018 se hame kya sikh mila:

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1. Apko zindagi me 100 jhute dost milege bilkul Sanju ki dost JUBIN ki trha 
lekin sirf khuch hi sachhe dost apko milege sanju ki dost KAMLESH ki trha.

Aagar apne bhi zindagi me koi KAMLESH ko dhund liya hai to bas aise sachte dost ko apne sath pakad kar rakhye aur kabhi chodyega mat.

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2. Aap Apni zindagi me jo kaam karoge to log apko bura bhala bolege, apka himmat todege, apka hosla todege, apka sath chodege, apko girayege, apko har baat par judge karege lekin apko kya krna hai?

apko unlogo ka muh ek din band karna hai apne SUCCESS se, apni kamyabi se.
jis trha Sanju ne jail me itna struggle kiya phir ek din apne success se sabka muh band kardiya..

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3. Papa aur mummy ka pyar aur support hamesha apke sath rahega. wo apke sath rahege aur hamesa zindagi me support karege. Bhale kabhi kabhi wo hame nai samjh pate lekin unka pyar aur support hamesha apke sath rahega.

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4. Drugs and Suicide hi apke problem ka solution nai hota. Dhyan rakhe aur apni muskilo se lade.
Muskile to aati jati rahti hai, Jeena isi ka naam hai. Ab ap har muskil ka samna drugs aur suicide se karege to Jee kar kya fyda..

Agar apko janna hai apni muskilo se kaise lade to ise dekhe -->>

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5. koi baat nai, faraq nai padta ki apke zindagi me kitne bure dino ka apko samna karna padta hai , bas ap apni umeed ko zinda rakhye. Ache din jarur ayege. 
Jis trha Sanju movie me SANJU ne utne sal jail me bita kar bhi apne Umeed ko marne nai diya.

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6. Har khani ki ek dusra hissa bhi hota hai,, jo apko nai pata hota hai. Bina dekhe, bina soche bas ankh band karke bharosa mat kijye kisi chiz par bhi. Sanju movie me jis trha kamlesh ne newspaper par bharosa karke apna dost SANJU ko kho diya.

Ap sanju movie kaisi lagi aur usse kya sikh mili, hame jarur bataye comment box me. Apke comments hamare liye  bohot important hai.


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